This year I am working on things for me. While what I hope to accomplish this year may reap some benefits for others around me - gifts that I make, a happier me to be around - I am doing it for me. This may seem selfish to some, but honestly, I am afraid that if I don't get myself right this year that I may be in trouble in the future.
My obesity affects my health and how people treat me. I know I am treated differently due to my vast size. There is most certainly fat discrimination at work in all of the social and work things that I am invited to or excluded from. In the past I have compensated for these hurt feelings by drinking. This made me more "fun". But if I drink too much then my dark side comes out - I get angry, depressed, and occasionally embarrass myself. I have been abstaining from alcohol in recent months to avoid becoming like some of my family members (there is a history of substance abuse amongst some of them). New Year's Eve saw me a bit inebriated and I fell over my own feet onto my butt and side. I have a horrendous bruise on my upper arm and one thigh. And some bruised pride as well. I also did the calorie calculations and I drank about the same amount in a few hours that I should eat in a day. Frightening! Over 1,400 calories in liquids is a scary number.
So I have made a decision. A simple one, but one that I needed to make. I am limiting myself to four alcoholic drinks a week and a maximum of two drinks in a day. Yep - twice a week I can have two drinks or four times a week I can have a drink. But no more than that. That will limit my calories to about 600 calories on alcohol at the most in a week out of 9,800 calories for a week.
It's a small thing to do, but I think that this will help me tremendously.
I am also being diligent about my calorie tracking - my intake and my output (intentional exercise). This is the start of a new me - a more together me.
Small steps are always the best ones to take, when you want to make permanent changes. Good luck! :o)